Lose Weight Like The Celebs
With The Pineapple

I’m not sure how you stumbled upon my page. Maybe you were searching on how to lose weight or read about me in some article somewhere. Maybe you even got a link from a friend. I sincerely don’t care and it doesn’t matter.

What is important here is that you are looking for a solution, a right solution for a very commonproblem of losing weight, and that is the first step towards the new you. And let me tell you one important thing, this is the most useful page on the Internet you will ever find about losing weight and reaching your ideal look. This is something I know for sure.

- A 53 year old actress is looking like she is in her 30’s.

- How a 36 years old stressed, overworked businessman succeeded in losing 25 pounds of that ugly belly fat in 8 weeks!

- A twenty something college girl finally got the super sexy bum and abs and lost the stubborn fat “pockets” on her body.

My name is Steve, and I’m a professional nutritionist and a health food cook. If you are interested to know how to have a rockin’ body like Hollywood stars, there’s no need to search further.
I’m here to help.

I’m the person who created hundreds of diet plans, programs and workouts for thousands of lifestyles, situations and deadlines. These were all ordered by A list celebs, actors, models, and movie stars and I’ve seen it all and heard it all, and that’s the reason why you can trust me.

Was it a “I-have-to-lose-20 pounds-in-2-months-for-a-movie-role” or “I-need-a-Sparta-like-look-for-next-week” my job was to find a way to do it and make it happen, no matter what. I’m talking about 20 years of experience in body shaping and healthy dieting.

I bet that you hate and envy all those celebs and the way they get slim so fast every time for a new movie role or a premiere.
You are probably blaming it all on their perfect genetics and personal trainers.
Especially, because they do it so easy!

All of this is going to make your self esteem sky rocket and will also make EVERYBODY start checking you out again! You’re so damn lucky that you will discover this super effective weight loss program right here on this web page today. Read on...

You’re probably saying to yourself…’’But I’ve already tried using every possible home training equipment, body workout program, all known fad diets and miracle fat loss schemes, slimming pills,magic supplement powders you've seen on the pages of the glossies and all of the boring cardio routines...

And yet, despite all of your efforts, you STILL have soft flabby bum with extra belly fathanging out there covering up that six-pack that you desperately want. I feel your pain and I know you have lost all the belief that you will ever have that body from your dreams. Nobody is making you do anything about it. So feel free to leave this website right now.

Tell me :
  • Do you sometimes feel like a prisoner in your own body??
  • Or feel uncomfortable in your clothes?
  • Do you hate summer and the beach just because you feel insecure and fat being in just a bikini or summer clothes?
  • Does this sound familiar to you?

The TRUTH #2 : There is no such thing as a 10 day miracle diet, shake or wonder pill that will help you get your dream body overnight.

Think about this... if what you've been doing all these years hasn't been getting you the results you want, doing more of that same thing won't get you any further! If doing 4 hours of cardio a week hasn't worked for you, why do you believe that doing 7 hours of cardio will?

Stop fooling yourself with things that won’t work and for once be honest with yourself. Admit that you are overweight and that you can’t shift that weight overnight. Make that big change in your life.

Get real.

Don’t cry over those fab bodies and super sexy abs which seem so unreachable. Face the ugly truth and Stop pretending that “little junk food snack” you ate an hour after the lunch is something that has no calories and that you don’t have to count it as a meal.

The very useful advice and tricks from Pineapple diet

The Pineapple diet book is divided into a few practical sections which deal with different stuff you are going to stumble upon on your journey of becoming slim.



